Launching in 2024!

Welcome to Maintenance Care’s
"Tech Talks for Senior Care" Podcast!


Tech Talks with Senior Care

Welcome to Tech Talks for Senior Care, a podcast dedicated to empowering maintenance professionals and facility managers by providing insights into optimizing operations and achieving maintenance excellence. Hosted by industry experts at Maintenance Care, a leading CMMS solutions provider, this podcast explores facility maintenance, asset management, preventative maintenance, and technology-driven solutions. Join us to discover best practices, success stories, and the latest maintenance trends through engaging discussions with thought leaders, managers, and experts who've successfully implemented CMMS solutions. Whether you're a maintenance manager, facilities director, or technician, this podcast offers actionable insights on preventive maintenance, asset tracking, work order management, energy efficiency, compliance, and more. Tune in for expert interviews, case studies, and real-world examples showcasing the transformative power of CMMS solutions in revolutionizing maintenance practices. Subscribe and be part of the conversation to elevate your facility maintenance strategies – because maintenance matters!
  • Tech Talks with Senior Care

Episode #1 - COMING SOON!

We can't wait to kick-off our podcast in 2024! Subscribe to the podcast and stay up-to-date on official release dates.

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